Introducing ESR9!


Hey! I appreciate your time reading my blog piece! I’m Livio. I’m a very simple guy who loves travelling, music, cinema…Arts in general I’d say…I like learning and discussing the social and political constructs we have built as a complex society.


I have a very interesting academic and professional pathway. During my Materials Science and Engineering bachelor’s in Brazil, I had the amazing opportunity to have an exchange year at the University of British Columbia in Canada (which was one of the most exciting moments I’ve ever lived during my bachelor’s times). After that, I worked with corporative data analysis in two multinational companies, and at some point, I was missing…SCIENCE…Then I decided to turn around and pursue a career shift. It wasn’t an easy decision, and I’m still consolidating this trajectory, but I started it by getting a Master’s in Physical Chemistry / Material Science and Engineering.  


I joined CONSENSE in October 2022 at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in Eindhoven (The Netherlands), and I’ve been discovering the impressive world of light-matter interactions using microscopy. More specifically I study ways to overcome optical limitations of the human eye, or even of a microscope. I use metallic nanoparticles that are able to focus light on their surface, and I use such properties to do biosensing of very small biomolecules using a conventional microscope. If you have an interest in discussing further this fascinating topic, you can reach me on my LinkedIn profile, and I’d be glad to explain more in-depth what we are doing at TU/e.