Anna Swietlikowska

ESR 3: Engineering conformational switches based on DNA-antibody conjugates

"I hope that this project will not only move forward the field of continuous sensing but also allow us to make great connections and friendships."



Yan Ni

Prof Maarten Merkx

The aim of the project is to develop protein-DNA hybrid switches, consisting of monoclonal antibodies and dsDNA-tethers that undergo large conformational changes. The main task will be to develop bioconjugation strategies to efficiently functionalize monoclonal antibodies with DNA and consequently construct DNA nanoswitches. I will study the effect of linker length and binders’ affinities on switching mechanism using BRET, SPR and Tethered Particle Motion (TPM).
I was born and raised in a capital of Poland – Warsaw and I moved to Cracow for my studies. During that time, I loved to travel and discover new places, I visited over 20 countries.
I started my studies with an idea that I want to become an anthropologist and study ancient mummies. However, I quickly fall in love with synthetic biology. I obtain my Bachelor degree in biotechnology and Masters degree in molecular biotechnology (Master project at the Department of Biophysics) at Jagiellonian University in Cracow. During my Master, I also worked in a local biotechnology Centre where I was involved in a project bridging GUV-based synthetic cells and DNA-origami. After graduation, I worked in a company, where I was producing and crystallizing recombinant proteins.