Prof Menno Prins

Position: Full Professor in Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Applied Physics, Molecular Biosensing group
Role in CONSENSE: Coordinator; supervisor of ESR8, co-supervisor of ESR14, advisor of ESR4; Lead of WP6.

Consense is a great opportunity to advance the field of continuous biomarker monitoring, by bringing together young talented researchers, multidisciplinary research groups, and industrial partners.

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Menno and his research group at Eindhoven University of Technology are developing technologies to detect proteins, nucleic acids, and small molecules with single-molecule resolution in complex matrices such as blood plasma. Menno Prins is the founder and organiser of SensUs, the annual international student competition in the field of biosensing for health, which will also be part of the training programme in CONSENSE. He is also co-founder of Helia Biomonitoring.
Menno Prins studied Applied Physics at Université Paris XI and at Delft University of Technology, where he received his MSc degree cum laude. In 1995, he received his PhD from Radboud University Nijmegen. He later joined Philips Research where he worked on microfluidics and point-of-care biosensors for over 19 years.
In 2005, Prins was appointed part-time professor at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Department of Applied Physics. Since 2014, he is full professor in Molecular Biosensing in the departments of Biomedical Engineering and Applied Physics. In 2015, he founded the SensUs Student Competition, an annual student competition in the field of Sensors for Health, which he has been organizing ever since. Since 2018 he is also co-founder of Helia Biomonitoring.
‘How reactivity variability of biofunctionalized particles is determined by superpositional heterogeneities’, ACS Nano (2021).
‘Multivalent weak interactions enhance selectivity of interparticle binding’, PNAS (2020)
‘Continuous small-molecule monitoring with a digital single particle switch’, ACS Sensors (2020).
‘Multiplexed continuous biosensing by single-molecule encoded nanoswitches’, Nano Letters (2020).
‘Continuous biomarker monitoring by particle mobility sensing with single molecule resolution’, Nature Communications (2018).